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  • Writer's pictureEl Shakar

The Classroom of an Angel

As always, friends, I write to you in the spirit of deep reflection and mindfulness. Make no mistake, I have the supreme intention of seizing your minds with my words and pulling you into the realm from which I write. If you read with presence, if you read with awareness, by now, you should have already noticed the transition happening inside of you.

As I am seated here, about to narrate to you a very thrilling and insightful experience I had, I feel the vigor and might of my inner father. The gates of heaven are opened before me and I am overflowing with the strength of my God.

My friend, if you read with presence, if you read with awareness, right now, this strength will begin to penetrate you.

Whether it is believed or not, in the same way we have schools and classrooms upon the earth, where subjects of diverse matters are taught, the same is also true in the realms of the spirit.

Certainly, there are many who have given testimony of such accounts. I am here, however, to speak of what my own eyes have seen and what I learnt in the process.

Let it first of all be said that the most powerful school of the Holy Spirit is our very own lives and all the mundane activities that they come with.

From the struggle to succeed in school to the battle for a decent job, dealing with a cunning colleague at work, managing an emotionally unstable boss, enduring the uncouth behavior of an Uber driver, etc. Every moment is ripe with opportunity for divine learning.

Anyone who truly walks with God will affirm to you that divine education is not in any way separate from daily life. As a matter of fact, the moment divine realities open up to you, the more you will realize that different phases of your life and the challenges they come with are actually physical manifestations of certain classrooms in heaven.

There are many people who fall asleep at night and are taken to classrooms in the spirit. Sadly, because they have not cultured the faculties of their mind to harness the memories of the world of spirit, they wake up void of the memory of such experiences.

Nevertheless, the impartation has already been made in their soul. Sooner or later, the seed that was planted in their ignorance will come to fruition. This is true for good and it is also true for evil.

As always, do not get too caught up in what I am about to narrate. I am not unaware that this experience will deeply thrill and entertain a lot of you who are of the imaginary type and deep lovers of fantasy.

I will say to you, however, that the teaching that will come alongside this narration will be of greater benefit to you than the narration itself.

After all, I just could be a silly old boy with an imagination too wild for his own good.


On a fateful night, I lay in my bed and proceeded to fall asleep as anyone would. I fell asleep in deep contemplation of my father, fixated intensely on things terribly divine.

I was already aware that falling asleep whilst meditating on my God elevates the frequency of my consciousness. I was already aware that this elevation would benefit me, especially as I was transitioning from the world of flesh to the world of spirit. David did say:

"When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches." - Psalm 63:6

It is no secret that every night, when we lay our heads to sleep, the soul automatically ejects itself from the "garment" of the physical body and puts on another garment that it possesses. It puts on the garment that enables it to traverse the "realm of dreams" and beyond.

No one can deny that when they "dream", they find themselves able to see, taste, hear, feel, and touch. Except, they do this without their physical bodies. That is already the first evidence that we as humans do not only have external senses of perception but also internal ones.

Yes, we as human beings do not only possess external bodies of flesh and bone but we also possess bodies within, that are more "subtle" in nature and correspond to the inner dimensions of existence. The Apostle Paul spoke of this when he said:

"All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another." - 1 Corinthians 15:39-40

Do not be marveled if it was said that the bodies we possess within are a "type" of flesh. The region of the emotions is an entire world and our emotional make up is actually a "body" of its own. That is why one can be "emotionally sick" and so on. The same applies to the mind.

From an external point of view, statements like these are entirely ludicrous, but the moment one begins to pay attention to their inner psychology, they will very much realize that the worlds within are even more real than the worlds without. That is why Jesus could say:

"But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." - Matthew 5:28

How can one commit adultery without the physical body if there wasn't some tangibility to our inner life? How can my thoughts and feelings be counted as actions if there wasn't some tangibility to them?

Just like you need a web browser to browse the world of the internet and an Instagram profile to traverse the world of Instagram, for us to be able to move about in the realm of dreams and beyond, we must have a body that corresponds to that region.

Many do not realize that when we "dream", our actions and experiences are actually realities of the inner spheres of nature. The only difference is that we carry out these actions and have these experiences in a terribly unconscious manner.

We fall asleep and wake up with memories of deeds that we had little to no control over, and we accept that as reality. We wake up with memories of going to banquets; playing with our friends; going to school; sexing about with this or that person; or being pursued by horrible monsters.

We sleep and wake up to realize how utterly ignorant and powerless we are the moment we leave our physical bodies, and many of us, up until this moment, have never registered this as a problem.

Nevertheless, on that fateful night when I fell asleep and abandoned my physical body, I transitioned from the outer world to the inner world with a certain degree of consciousness. I was quite aware I was out of my physical body and I was quite aware I was in the inner planes of nature.

It is undeniable that there are inner worlds that coexist with our physical world. It is undeniable that in the same way we have a body that can traverse the physical plane and interact with its elements, we also have bodies within that can traverse and interact with realities of the inner worlds.

John the revelator said "I"........... "was in the spirit on the Lord's day". Who or what was this "I"? Was it his physical body? Was it his physical eyes he used to behold all the things "in the spirit?" Was it his physical mouth he was using to interact with the angel "in the spirit?" How can he be "in" the spirit if it was not a place?

Nevertheless, as I transitioned into the inner worlds, I intuitively knew I had a class to attend. How I knew, I cannot explain. I knew, seeing as it was not the first time such a thing had occured.

At that moment my heart tuned itself to the class I was supposed to attend, I was instantaneously transported to where this classroom was happening.

In those regions, translocation is not a matter of moving one's hands or feet. Rather, it is a matter of the direction of one's attention and will. If one enters those regions and finds themselves greatly afraid, they will be surprised to see themselves either transported to beings that correspond to their fears or they will attract to themselves beings that correspond to their fears.

This, for example, is why many people speak of out-of-body experiences as terrifying things. They do not realize that it is their own terror that terrifies them. They enter those regions and unknowingly magnetizes vampires and "spiritual wild animals" to themselves because of their own fears.

When we begin to talk about matters of the regions of spirit, every son of God must be prepared to abandon fear completely, lest they make themselves terribly vulnerable.

Have you ever noticed that when you are afraid or sad about something, fearful and sad thoughts begin to torrent through your mind?

What you think are just "feelings" and "thoughts" are actually living entities in the inner worlds, and if you are outside of your body, the tangibility of these living entities will become abundantly clear.

If you are fearful, entities and that feed on fear will come to you or you will go to them, whether you are in your physical body or not. This is the crude reality of facts. Just like lions who smell blood, in the inner worlds there are also "animals" that smell fear, lust, anger etc.

Naturally, if a thing is true this way, it is also true that way. In the same way, if we enter those regions with our hearts deeply fixed on God and things pertaining to him, we will attract things of the like and things of the like will be attracted to us.

I was certainly aware of this crude fact, and it was based on this knowledge that I tuned my heart to my God and found myself magnetized to the classroom of that particular angel.

In my experience, the classroom of every angel is like a world of its own. These are beings who have tremendous cognizance of their inner powers and know how to "bend reality" in a sense. They know how to create what I can liken to "virtual worlds" in order to teach you something or test you.

They can sit in front of you for only three seconds but warp you into something very similar to a "virtual world" and have you engaged there for what might seem like three days. They are masters of space and time. They possess the sapience to bend it at will in accordance with the will of God.

So, the classroom of this particular angel appeared to be a temple at the summit of a hill. As I was transported to the base of this hill, I began to climb upward in order to reach the temple above.

Already, if you know how to read, you must understand that me "ascending" from the base of a hill to reach the temple at the summit of the hill is already speaking volumes. It is speaking of a transition of consciousness from a lower plane to a higher plane. David said:

"Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?

Or who may stand in His holy place?

He who has clean hands and a pure heart,

Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,

Nor sworn deceitfully." Psalm 24:3-4

Yes, the gaining of every height in God comes with its own demands and conditions, every attainment has its cost. Those who refuse to give their offering will never gain entry. The offerings to angels always relate to some aspect of "self" perishing in us. It is not money or trivial things as some think.

It must be understood that angels, in this regard, are "extensions" of God himself and represent a specific dimension of attainment in God. Angels are not just beings but are gateways to dimensions of God. If an angel says, "This is what you need to do for me," he is not speaking for himself but as a voice of that dimension of God he represents.

Indeed, for me to have begun at the base of the hill, it was clear angel was already teaching me something in the "virtual world" it created. I say "virtual world" not because that is what it is called but because I want to help you to understand.

Angels don't have wings or one hundred eyes round about them like some assume. These are just "forms" they put on in order to communicate a particular message. They have a fixed quality of being but not a fixed appearance. They possess the ability to change their appearance at will.

In the realms of the spirit, "matter" is not as dense as it is in the physical world. A simple thought or feeling can alter the appearance of things in that region.

You will be surprised that if you begin to find yourself gaining awareness in the world of dreams, just by a simple concentrated thought and feeling, you will find yourself able to transform into an ox, bird, motor vehicle, whatever. However, it is better to devote one's concentration to God than to trivial and pointless things such as that.

So, I ascended the hill and reached the entrance of the temple. I must confess that it was not majestic in anyway. It looked like a very humble temple with two entrances/exits on either side. The temple itself was circular in shape.

Outside the temple, there was a garden with a number of people hanging around and an old woman sweeping away some dead leaves and dust. I greeted the people and the cleaner and proceeded to enter the temple.

Upon entering the temple, it was clear that the entire building was cut out of the very hill itself. Everything was made of stone and was very solid. The inside of the temple was very humble and bare. There was only one room in the temple, and it appeared to be something like a prayer/altar room.

In the corner of the room, there was what appeared to be an altar with a jar on top of it. As I began to approach this jar, all of a sudden, the jar began to speak!!

Goodness gracious, I was slightly startled by this, but I kept my composure. I knew that distorted emotions will eject me from that realm and return me to my body.

A very deep bass baritone voice proceeded from the jar, saying: "Leave now! You are not qualified to be here. "

I felt a deep shock, bewilderment, and then heartbreak. I was so sad to have been rejected in such a way. I began to make my way towards the exit to leave the temple. As I reached the exit, a strange feeling began to well up inside me. It was a boldness and resilience I could not understand.

I must confess that I did not argue with the boldness I was feeling. I simply went along with it and proceeded to confront that speaking jar for rejecting me. I looked at it and said, "I have come a long way to reach here; I am not going anywhere!"

It then responded by saying some things which, at this moment, I cannot remember. The next thing I knew, the old cleaner lady who was sweeping the compound of the temple began to walk in.

The moment she entered the room, I felt a great shift in the atmosphere. Her presence came with a strange heaviness that subtly began to overwhelm me. I began to think to myself "What is going on here? Who is this lady? Why is her presence drowning me?"

As she opened her mouth to speak, to my tremendous surprise, she spoke with the same deep masculine voice that proceeded from the jar. I was shocked!!!!!

She was the one speaking to me all along.

While still in shock, she looked at me and smiled very warmly. She then said, still in a deep masculine voice, "You want to stay?" "Well, I am going to try you."

I must confess that I was not surprised to hear such a thing. It was very expected. After all, the attainment of any dimension in God requires an offering. Remember the sacred conversation between our saviour and the mother of James and John:

Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.

What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.”

You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” “We can,” they answered." - Matthew 20:20-22

Remember my friends, this entire experience in itself was the classroom of an angel and everything that was transpiring was a teaching. Let me now ask you, and I want you to tell me the answer in the comments section:

  1. What was the significance of her sweeping the temple?

  2. What was the significance of that place being carved out of stone?

So, she looked at me and asked: "Do you know what separates one dimension from another?" I said "No." She then said "Awareness." "When you are aware, reality is a continuum without beginning or ending. All that changes is you."

When I heard this initially, I must confess I did not really understand. Looking back now however, I have gained some level of clarity regarding what she was saying.

"All that changes is you."

On one level, it teaches that everything is connected to and associated with one another. From the organs in your body to the different races of the world, gender, occupations, and, of course, dimensions, etc. everything is related.

The essence of God and creation is "relationship." When there appears to be a difference between two things, it is because our focus is on one and not the other. When we are "here", we don't know how to be "there" at the same time. That is why when we are "here", we miss "there" and when we are "there", we miss "here." Paul said:

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28

In losing sight of one over the other, we lose sight of both! That is why Jesus was so hard to understand. One day it seems like he was here, the next he seems like he was there.

They could not understand him because they were divided men who knew nothing of the region of the undivided. That is why Paul called the called the Corinthian church very carnal, who were still operating from the realm of division. He said:

"You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?

For when one says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere human beings? " 1 Corinthians 3:3-4

What is the difference between work and rest? Is there really a difference? Can you separate them? Can you truly rest without work and can you work without rest? Can you focus on God without focusing on yourself and can you truly focus on yourself without focusing on God?

What is the difference between you and your neighbor? Can you ignore yourself without ignoring your neighbor? If your neighbor receives nothing, who will give to you? Can Jezz Bezos receive a dime from anyone if he does not "help" them receive their goods at the comfort of their home?

Certainly, the difference between heaven and hell is also perception. David said:

"Where can I go from Your Spirit?Or where can I flee from Your presence?

If I ascend into heaven, You are there;If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there." Psalm 139:7-8

Indeed, nothing really changes. What changes is us, for better or worse. To a holy man, purity can be found in the filthiest of things. To the corrupted man, filthiness can be discovered even from heaven.

At a basic glance, it will seem that what that angel was teaching was useless intellectual jargon, as one might easily assume. It is important we learn how to READ and extract the SPIRIT behind words.

Words are a temporary manifestation of an inner reality. What is real is the reality being spoken of. Divine beings, even if they use mortal words and languages, their communication is purely spirit.

A whole book can be written from the parable of the sower, and we will discover that it can apply to almost any facet of life. It can apply because even though the message was communicated through farming terminology, it was a container for an eternal message; a spirit message.

If we focus too much on what they literal word that divine beings say, we will miss the point altogether. Yes, we will miss the "spirit" of the message and lose sight of how the "spirit" of that message can express itself in an untold number of ways.

It must be emphasized that this does not mean that the literal words be ignored. It means that we should focus "so much" on one thing that we lose sight of its counterpart. For every outer, there is an inner and vice versa. Both are of tremendous importance.

The question is, are you patient enough to meditate on the words and extract the meaning that relates exactly to you?

Hmmm, nevertheless, even though the words she said had a myriad of meanings, she was also speaking about how to traverse from one dimension to another in the inner worlds.

After she said, "All that changes is you," I was awestruck. I can't tell whether it was because of what she said or because she was speaking with the same masculine voice that was emanating from the jar. I, however, was awestruck.

She then looked me and said "I will teach you." "Try to keep up with me." She then placed her hand on my head and to my surprise, even though I was already out of my physical body, I saw myself immediately eject once more from the body I was using in that realm.

I was out of my physical body and I saw myself coming out further from the "body of dreams." The first ejection was from my physical body; the second ejection was from the "body of dreams." As I saw myself come out of my "dream body", I was feeling and experiencing very strange things. Even so, there was a profound teaching in this.

To be continued...

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Aug 29, 2023

Although I have read this before, it is only making spirit sense today (Thank you Holy Spirit).

  1. What was the significance of her sweeping the temple?

First of all, I believe that the temple is you and therefore the significance of her sweeping the temple is God using her to clean up the dirty and dead part of yourself through the uphill journey to the temple and the conversation with the jar and the old lady. The humble state of your temple speaks to the state of your soul at the time.

2. What was the significance of the place being carved out of stone?

The stone is the Chief Cornerstone which is Christ and the temple being carved out…


Apr 25, 2023

Honestly this just reminded me yet again that this world is beyond our daily activities. There is an awareness that comes from being true and conscious of the nudging and responses within and around us. Now THAT is life.

I'm mightily thankful for sometimes having the ability to retain my consciousness in the dream realm and even sometimes being able to manipulate that reality. Honestly I don't know where God is taking me, even with those, but reading your words is surrounding me with God's love right now. Thank you.

I also see you haven't posted in a year...


Yvonne Mwende
Yvonne Mwende
Sep 13, 2022

This is quite profound.

Thank you for sharing.

I will briefly share my insights then respond to the questions you raised.

To move in dimensions of God, we have to also move in dimensions within ourselves. In the same way that God has 'layers', it's in the same way we also have 'layers' even within ourselves. Indeed, we are created in God's image (Genesis 1:27), thus this should be expected.

I believe this temple was you.

1 Corinthians 6:19 (NLT) Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself,

And the old woman you met sweeping was the Holy…


May 19, 2022

hmm, this made me think a lot,God bless you.

to answer your questions;

1.i found it interesting that the very person you passed by shortly before was the one who later made you feel drowned-awareness.I think her sweeping the entrance signifies the things which cannot proceed into the inner?

2. what comes to mind is that the 'journey' you took to ascend at first were what the very temple itself,was carved out of.


May 12, 2022

Towards the end all that could come to mind was ecstasy. I read through one of the comments and might I just add that the old woman who was sweeping the garden of the temple seemed inconsequential but was in fact the temple itself, brings me to see the need for mindfulness and humility, also what we seek might not always be as grandeous as we think it to be. The very act of her sweeping dust and dead leaves brings to mind, the saying "out with the old and in with the new" and was a form of meditation. The temple being made of stone, I couldn't really figure that out.


El Shakar
El Shakar
May 12, 2022
Replying to

Very very good Ishioma! She was temple itself! What we seek might not be as grandiose as we speak or maybe our idea of grandiose is distorted 🤔? What do we call greatness and what does God call it? Hmmmmm.

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