'So He said to them, “When you pray, say: Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Your name...'
Luke 11:2
The Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ, unveiled in such simple and sublime words that beyond the physical ancestry of our mortal bodies, lies an even greater and deeper ancestry; a spiritual ancestry. He unveiled to man that beyond our carnal Father-Mother of flesh and blood, lies an even greater Father-Mother of our Spirit within. Our Father, who art in heaven.
We make no mistake in saying that this Spirit, this breath, from the mouth of God within us is the son of God. This spirit, this breath, came out of the bosom of God; it was NOT formed via the dust of the earth, it is not a child of the earth. What gives man a heavenly ancestry is the spirit within him which was born purely from God; without this spirit, man has no link to God.
Inside of the temple of the fleshly man, hidden within the heavens of his being is the heavenly man; the one who is the voice, the expression, the breath of the Father himself. He is called the voice of God because it is not possible to know what is within a person until she speaks, until she expresses herself. The speech of a man is an expression of who he is on the inside; the speech unveils who he/she is.
It is written that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks". It is not irrelevant to say that out of the abundance of the invisible heart of God came the Christ, his word; his voice; his expression which is love. The voice and the Father are one and the same as you and your speech are one and the same.
This voice, this sound, this light, is hidden in depths of man. This voice is the spirit in which the existence of humanity is founded upon. The origin of man, that is his 'breath', his spirit, is God. The spirit of God is symbolised by breath because we know that without breath in his lungs, no man can live. Once a man is separated from breath, he dies. Once a man is separated from God, he dies; earthly things must be used to explain heavenly things.
The flesh of man was forged from the atoms (dust) of the earth, we know this. So also the Spirit within man was forged from the atoms of God. It can be said that God is the mother nature of our spirit and the earth is the mother nature of our flesh. Everything in nature returns to its point of origin; dust to dust, spirit to spirit.
'Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, And the spirit will return to God who gave it.' Ecclesiastes 12:7
There are numerous ways of compartmentalising the constitution of man, it can however be summarised into three parts:
1. Spirit
2. Soul
3. Body
The Spirit, as it is written, is born from God. It is his breath, it is his life, it is his expression. The spirit is the child of God, the spirit is the Christ within us who is our hope of glory. The spirit, the voice of God within is the only way to know our Father who art in heaven. The Father in Heaven can only be found within.
If man made the greatest spaceship and ascended upwards into space for 1 million lightyears, he still will not find the Father in Heaven. The Father in heaven is only known through direct knowledge and experience of Christ within oneself. The father in heaven is only experienced through HIS voice, which Paul said was revealed within himself:
'But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace, to reveal His Son in me... ' Galatians 1:15-16
It does not matter how many scriptures we read, it does not matter how many church programs we attend or how many times we fast and pray, it does not matter what we believe or do not believe; the truth will forever remain that there is no WAY to the Father except through the Son. The Son, The Christ, can never be known through pieces of paper. The son can only be known and discovered within oneself.
'You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.' John 5:39-40
Make no mistake, a man who treads the hallways of wisdom without the guidance of the scriptures is sure to lose his way. One must learn from those who have learnt, the scriptures will never be redundant.
Nonetheless we see Jesus here, making a bold distinction between the scriptures and THE WORD. The disciples at that time didn't understand this; they assumed that just because they saw physical Jesus Christ, a temporary expression and form of THE WORD, that they had seen THE WORD; who can only be seen within.
'He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who art in heaven. ' Matthew 16:15-17.
It is no secret that the physical body of Jesus had a beginning and an end, dust must return to dust. The people of Galilee saw that boy run around in his diapers as a baby. They probably saw him eat sand and cry like every other child.
They saw him grow up in the temple and work for his daily bread in the marketplace. The people of Galilee could swear that they knew where this man was from. All they could see was the casing, the content eluded their carnal senses.
That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of spirit is spirit, we know this. When Jesus said "Before Abraham was, I AM", he obviously was not speaking in regards to his physical ancestry. It couldn't have been his physical nature speaking. Physically, he was barely over 30 years old so he couldn't have been referring to his physical personage; his physical personage most certainly was not older than Abraham.
What then was speaking? How come they could not recognize him? How come it took only the revelation of "The Father who art in Heaven" to make Peter know that he was in the presence of the son of God?
By now the reason ought to be crystal clear: the son of God can never be seen or heard through the eyes and ears of the flesh, it can only be discerned by Spirit. The son of God can only be recognised in someone externally if he has first been recognised within us internally. Selah!
Three and a half years the 12 disciples walked around with the man Jesus of Galilee, but when the hour of his death came it was obvious those disciples had not known the Christ. They knew the flesh and blood man Jesus but knew not the spirit in him.
'For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame— who set their mind on earthly things. ' Philippians 3:18-19
No man who truly knows the Christ will behold the cross and flee. The cross is not an an enemy to the heavenly man, only the carnal man hates the cross.
The carnal man beholds the cross and sees destruction, the heavenly man beholds the cross and sees liberation. The same disciples who ran from the cross after knowing The Christ externally for 3 years, RAN TO THE CROSS after encountering him within themselves in the "upper room".
We explained in previous writings that the cross is an experience that happens within us. It is the destruction of the old man and resurrection of the new man. This happens through our day to day life experiences. God uses our life circumstances to carve out his virtues within us.
The cross is the end of separation from God and the beginning of union with him. This union, happens in stages and degrees; it is not instantaneous. It happens in a progressive manner, seeing as we are 'pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.' Philippians 3:14.
We must state in a crystal clear manner that every single one of us has his own internal and personal only begotten son of God sent into our microcosmos; that is, the micro-universe of our being. Everyone has within themselves a unique and individual expression of Jesus Christ.
'Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: ‘On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household. ' Exodus 12:3
Jesus Christ is not just a historical personage from 2,000 years ago, no. The Christ has always been, The Christ is and will always be. Jesus Christ is beyond the name of a person but a dimension of reality which exists within the interior of nature. It exists within the interior of our being. It is a title and a state attainable by any who penetrate and dwell in that realm of consciousness. Jesus Christ came to make "Jesus Christs". Anyone who becomes one with Christ within themselves will speak and act as Jesus of Galilee did.
There is no way to the Father unless we come in contact and are led by this son of God on the inside of us. There is no way to truly have faith except by hearing the voice, the word of God within us. That we have read the four gospels does not mean we have heard THE WORD. That we knew Jesus by flesh does not mean we have known the son of God who can only be discerned by Spirit.
This son of God hidden inside of us. This Christ, is the same which spoke through the man Jesus 2,000 years ago. This Christ is ONE, though he expresses himself uniquely and intimately within every human being. He can express himself in an infinite number of ways.
Listen, a man in China does not hear Christ in Spanish; neither does a man in Congo hear God in Greek. A man who is only familiar with fishing will not hear God in hunting terminology. That Christ, through Jesus 2,000 years ago, spoke with fishing and farming terminology does not mean he is limited that figure of speech.
That he spoke in the Hebrew language and through their culture does not mean he is limited to the physical Hebrews and their tradition. The Christ predates all peoples, tongues and cultures.
He is the one who has always been and will always be. Before the Hebrew language existed, there were men who knew the Christ and knew him by a different name and form. "Christ" is an english name, english language is just over a thousand years old.
He only spoke Hebrew to the jews because the Christ always reduces itself and comes in a lowly way in which man can understand it (Phil 2:6). He comes down to their level so he can lift them up to his level.
He comes in the form, language and culture of the people he reaches out to in order for them to understand him. He "becomes all things to all men for the sake of the gospel". Paul did not preach to the romans in the Hebrew language but in Greek.
Paul did not even call the name of Jesus, as was originally known, in Hebrew but in Greek. Yehoshua Maschiach was the name of the savior in the Hebrew language but in Greek it became Iezus Christo.
Today in english we know it as "Jesus Christ". Shammayim and HaRetz which meant "heaven" and "earth" in Hebrew was communicated as "Uranus" and "Gaia" in the Greek New Testament. Sheol, which meant "Hell" in Hebrew was communicated as "Hades", "Tartarus" and "Gehenna" in the Greek New Testament.
God is one but he can speak any language, he can speak through any culture and can take any shape or form. God's nature and essence can never change, but God is not limited to a form he used yesterday.
'Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. ' II Corinthians 5:16
The Christ is beyond the temporary and lowly form he used to reach out to this fallen world 2,000 years ago. The teachings conveyed while he was in that form will forever be authentic and immutable, but Christ is not limited to any form; we must understand this.
When we box God in one form and not know his essence, his spirit, we will reject him if he appears in a form we cannot 'carnally' recognise.
The carnal Israelites rejected their saviour because they never knew him by spirit. All they knew were the forms he used yesterday and the veiled scriptures they had in their possession. They did not know the eternal Christ within.
They rejected the form he came in because they never knew his essence, they never knew him by spirit. They could not see that there was no difference between him and all the prophets who came prior.
They could not understand God beyond one form or language or culture. They had put the boundless and almighty God in the small box of their traditions and creeds.
They really believed that the God who created over 200 billion galaxies was limited to their tiny country in the middle east; as though being a jew was a physical thing. They, who believed themselves to be sons of Abraham were astounded to hear the Christ declare them to be sons of the Serpent.
Abraham is a symbol of the internal Christ. Abraham means "father of a multitude". Who is this multitude if not the congregation of Israel? Who is Israel if not the "Prince of God"? Who is the prince of God if not the Christ and everyone who is intimate with him by Spirit?
The Pharisees were shocked to hear Jesus call a samaritan "Good". A samaritan was not part of their religion or culture so therefore, in their minds, he couldn't possibly know the Christ.
The word good is from the hebrew word "tov". The first time the word "tov" was used was in Genesis chapter 1, and it was explicitly used to describe something that fulfils the purpose of its creation.
It was used to describe something that "bore fruit". What fruit are we speaking of, if not the fruits of The Holy Spirit? Jesus said "by their fruits you shall know them".
In the ancient Jewish mind, hearing someone say "a samaritan" was 'tov' was a great blasphemy. In their minds, there couldn't possibly be any knowledge of God outside their box.
They couldn't believe that their Saviour would dare relate with a "heathen", much less call him "good". They did not know that the Christ manifests and teaches according to the culture, reasoning and needs of an age.
They assumed the immortal Christ was limited to their tiny scrolls the same way we, in this time, have limited the immortal Christ to the form, language and manner of speech he used 2,000 years ago.
Those who are hearing Christ in this atomic and electronic age are understanding him even down to the very atoms. They see the holy trinity in the proton, neutron and electron of an atom. They see through the internet, how all of reality is interconnected by light, by Christ. They understand that all matter is in a constant state of vibration, so therefore at the base of all creation is a "sound", the word of God.
When one cognises The Christ by Spirit within themselves, they are able to recognise him in whatever shape or form he comes in. Seeing as they don't recognise him through flesh and blood, that is via their 5 carnal senses, external appearance or form is not their basis of recognition.
Had recognition been through flesh and blood then surely, Joseph and Mary would have pursued the three wise men (magi) who came from the "east". They would have rejected the gold, frankincense and myrrh brought by physically foreign men who wanted to pay homage to their spiritual king.
It is said that those men came from the "east". Obviously, seeing as the carnal interpretation of that would mean that they were from some geographical location east of Israel, one could easily imagine it to be Persia.
This could be true on one layer, but those know their bible well know that for every carnal symbol is concealed layers of spiritual meaning. "East" has a much deeper spiritual meaning across the bible.
The word translated as "east" is "mizrach" in Hebrew. Mizrach doesn't only mean geographical east but it also means "beginning". Why beginning? This is because THE SUN rises from the east and "begins" the day.
What is this sun if not Christ, the spiritual sun? What is this day he brings if not the day of The Lord, which is naught but the illumination of the truth of the Father in the darkness of our hearts?
'For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.' II Corinthians 4:6
It is also not coincidental that the garden was planted "east" of Eden. The east is not just a location, the beginning is not just a point in time, it is also a person. This person is none other than Christ himself.
To those who will believe it or not, those Magi from the east were Christians in the most perfect sense of the word. They were spiritual sons of Abraham, they were spiritual Israelites who came to pay homage to Christ their spiritual king.
It is stated in the book of revelation that only 144,000 jews make it out of the great tribulation. If this was literally true, then there would be no hope for most of us who read this text. Thank God these are not words written by the wisdom of man but by spirit, to be discerned by Spirit.
Of course this is in reference to the spiritual jews who are internally and spiritually intimate with Christ. Of course 144,000 is a symbolic number only understood when one investigates the numbers behind the hebrew letters that form "ADAM"; a man in the image of God.
God has already begun to turn tables and break old dogmas and traditions. He terminating false doctrines that have only brought dissension and wars between men. God is now changing the status quo and unveiling himself in very uncanny ways in our time. This generation will behold wonders and we are excited to be participants of his marvels. Next week, we shall continue our conversation and our focus will be on THE SOUL.
Deconstruction of Dogmas, the rebuild of Christs internally! I only had issues relating 144000 with the numbers of ADAM.
Amazing read
But the Lord says, “Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already—you can see it now!
Isaiah 43:18-19 GNT
Read some interesting manuscripts on the Magis.
It's pretty amazing how the 'bible stories' we were told as children has made us lazy and unwilling to probe the voice behind the narratives. There is so much we have taken for granted, so much we don't know, so much The Christ seeks to teach us.
Super excited!
Thank you for this..
Absolutely encouraged.
But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. 1 Corinthian 6 vs 17.
The Spirit is truly beyond the limitations of culture and traditions.
And as we are one with God in Spirit, we are meant to operate beyond culture and traditions.
Culture and tradition are simply tools, one uses to understand the abstract and foreign appearance of the (Higher realms), The realm of Spirit . which lays within.
Let your kingdom come, let your will be done, As it is in heaven.
It is the will of The Great Spirit we are establishing on earth, not the will of earthly culture and tradition.
It is The Will of God that is meant to become…